Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Destination Method Convictions Model

From Dr. Robert Dee McDonald of the Telos Healing Center:
  1. People are beings, not actions, nor things, nor systems of things. “I am I, not my body, my emotions nor my mind.” 
  1. People are Innocent, incomparably good.  “I am Innocent, incomparably good.”
  2. When people are convinced that Innocence is Infinite, they lean toward fearlessness and virtue. – “When I am convinced that Innocence is Infinite, I lean toward fearlessness and virtue.”
  3. People do not have inner enemies.  “I have no inner enemy. I have only inner friends.”
  4. People contain a body-mind reciprocal system.  “I contain a body-mind reciprocal system.”
  5. People are loved by every part of their body-mind system.  “I am loved by every part of my system.”
  6. People create the world by thinking the Infinite into maps and maps into territories. – “I create the world by thinking the Infinite into maps and maps into territories.
  7. The Infinite is people: an intelligible sphere whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is everywhere – “The Infinite is me: an intelligible sphere whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is everywhere”
  8. The Soul is people: an intelligible sphere whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is in their bodies – “The Soul is me: an intelligible sphere whose circumference is nowhere and whose center is in my body.”
  1. People’s minds are like map makers of reality.  My mind makes representations of my experience.
  1. People’s mental maps are made of pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and taste.  My mental maps are made of inner pictures, sounds, feelings, smells and tastes.
  2. The mental maps people make are not the territory.  My mental maps are not the territory it represents.
  3. When people create a mental map of a mental map, the first mental map becomes the territory. – “When I create a mental map of a mental map, the first mental map becomes the territory.”
  4. People respond to their maps of reality, not to reality.  “I respond to my maps of reality, not to reality.”
  5. If people change their mental maps, they’ll change their emotional state.  “If I change my mental maps, I’ll change my emotional state.”
  6. People are unaware of some of their mental maps.  “I am unaware of some of my mental maps.”
  7. People’s minds always sit in judgment of their maps.  “My mind always judges its maps.”
  8. People’s mind invariably seek and create meaning.  My mind invariably seeks and creates meaning.
  1. People always have positive intentions, irrespective of their behavior - "I always intend to produce something good, irrespective of my physical and mental behavior."
  2. People construe another's actions and act accordingly, regardless of the other's positive intention.  "Regardless of their positive intentions, I respond to others by how I construe their behavior."
  1. People work perfectly to produce the results they're getting - "I work perfectly to produce the results I'm getting."
  2. People never fail, they only get feedback - "I never fail; I just get feedback." 
  3. Anything people do is useful in some context. "Every one of my behaviors is useful in some context." 
  4. People always make the best choices available to them - "I always make the best choices available to me, given the information I have."
  5. It is better for people to have choice than to have no choice - "I am better off having choice than having no choice."
  1. People are more resourceful when imagining they can do anything - "I become more resourceful when I imagine that I can do anything."
  2. People already have all the resources they need - "I already have all the resources I need to reach my destination."
  3. People make positive changes by using their resources to add, not eliminate, even more resources.  "I make positive changes in myself by using my resources to add to my resources."
  4. The most resourceful people in any system can most influence that system - "The more resources I have, the more I can influence the system in which I live."
1.      People evolve Ontologically, Epistemologically, & Axiologically - "I evolve in Being, Awareness & Virtue."

Just reading these will change your life. Once you really believe them, your life will have changed more than you can imagine.

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